HideSection Annotation


The @HideSection annotation is a special annotation used to prevent the inheritance of another help section provided by a help annotation. Usually Airline will automatically inherit help annotations which allows for specifying common information (such as @Copyright and @License) higher up the class hierarchy instead of having to specify it on every command. However sometimes you may wish to hide a help section that would otherwise be inherited in which case the @HideSection annotation is used e.g.

@HideSection(title = CommonSections.TITLE_DISCUSSION)
public class MyClass { }

The above example would hide the Discussion section, hiding of sections is done based on section titles thus allowing any custom section to be hidden as needed.

This annotation cannot be used to hide the standard sections that help generators produce, if you wish to do that you will need to create a custom help generator.

Improving this Documentation

This documentation is itself open source and lives in GitHub under the docs/ directory.

I am not a professional technical writer and as the developer of this software I can often make assumptions of knowledge that you as a user reading this may not have. Improvements to the documentation are always welcome, if you have suggestions for the documentation please submit pull requests to the main branch.